\newcommand{\eqdef}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\rm def}{=}}}  \newcommand{\R} % real numbers  \newcommand{\N}} % natural numbers  \newcommand{\Z} % integers  \newcommand{\F} % a field  \newcommand{\Q} % the rationals  \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % the complexes  \newcommand{\poly}}  \newcommand{\polylog}}  \newcommand{\loglog}}}  \newcommand{\zo}{\{0,1\}}  \newcommand{\suchthat}  \newcommand{\pr}[1]{\Pr\left[#1\right]}  \newcommand{\deffont}{\em}  \newcommand{\getsr}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\mbox{\tiny R}}{\gets}}}  \newcommand{\Exp}{\mathop{\mathrm E}\displaylimits} % expectation  \newcommand{\Var}{\mathop{\mathrm Var}\displaylimits} % variance  \newcommand{\xor}{\oplus}  \newcommand{\GF}{\mathrm{GF}}  \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon}  \notag
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Week 10 Notes


The examples in these notes have been developed by Daniel Velleman in his book How to Prove it

Deductive Reasoning

By this point, you've seen many proofs in this class, but what really is a proof? Intuitively, we think of proofs as a series of logical arguments. And by logical, we usually mean deductive reasoning.

Before explaining what deductive reasoning is, let's begin with a few examples.

  1. It will either rain or snow tomorrow
    It's too warm to snow tomorrow
    Therefore, it will rain tomorrow
  2. I don't work on Sundays
    Today is Sunday
    Therefore, I don't work today
  3. I will go to work today or tomorrow
    I am not going to work today
    I will go to work tomorrow

Each line in the examples above are called statements. Statements (for the most part) are either true or false. In the above examples, we took two statements as truth, and deduced a final statement as a consequence of the first two. We call the first two statements premises and the final statement a conclusion.

Not every statement can be neatly resolved to be either true or false. For example, the statement "I will go work tomorrow" is contingent on my behavior tomorrow, which is still indeterminate (although most likely, it is true). There are also statements whose truth values are undefined. We call these statements paradoxes. Perhaps the most famous example of a paradoxical statement is "This statement is false". An important part of early 1900s mathematics was involved with setting up a rigorous definition of statements to avoid such indeterminate and undefined cases.

Which of the examples are most similar? On a cursory glance, you may think examples 2 and 3 are the most similar, as they both deal with going to work. But, in terms of the type of argument used, examples 1 and 3 are most similar. To see why, let's simplify the statements using variables.

Let \(R\) be the statement "It will rain tomorrow", \(S\) the statement "It will snow tomorrow", \(P\) the statement "I work today", \(Q\) the statement "I will work tomorrow", \(T\) the statement "I don't work on Sundays", and \(U\) the statement "Today is Sunday".

Thus, our examples are rewritten as follows:

Once we've rewritten our examples with variables, the similarity between examples 1 and 3 becomes more clear. We know that at least one of two events will happens, and we know that a particular one doesn't happen, so the other must happen.

Using variables instead of english is advantageous because it allows us to see patterns that may be obscured by english, and it reduces the amount of characters needed to express an idea.

In fact, we can condense these statements even further, by establishing notation for or, not, and the other logical connectives.

Name Symbol
or \(\vee\)
and \(\wedge\)
not \(\lnot\)
therefore \(\therefore\)

With these symbols, our third example becomes:

\(P\vee Q\)
\(\lnot P\)
\(\therefore Q\)

As wonderful as the above examples are, trying to convert all english to variables and mathematical operations is not a great idea. For example, which of the following is easier to understand? $$x_1\leq1\wedge x_2\leq1\wedge x_3\leq1$$$$\therefore\sum\limits_{i=1}^3x_i\leq3$$or "The sum of three numbers, each not greater than one, is not greater than three." To me, the latter is easier to digest. As with most things, there is a balance to be struck, and you'll get a feel for this balance with time.

Why is the following deductive reasoning invalid?
Either the cook or the maid has a child.
Either the doctor or the cook has a child
Therefore, either the doctor or the maid has a child.

One of the most common mistakes in logic involves the use of or. In mathematics, \(P\vee Q\) means that at least one of \(P\) and \(Q\) is true. In particular, both can be true. This is called the inclusive or. In English, we also use the exclusive or, which is denoted by xor. \(P\) xor \(Q\) is true when exactly one of \(P\) and \(Q\) is true. We won't worry about xor in this class.

Truth Tables

In the previous section, we converted our arguments to logical notation. But how do we check whether our arguments are correct or not? We use truth tables.

We want to make sure that regardless of whether each individual variable is true or not, the argument still holds. To do that, we make a truth table.

Let's take the aforementioned example 3, and verify that it works via a truth table. There are \(2^2=4\) possibilities:
  • \(P\) and \(Q\) are true
  • \(P\) is true but \(Q\) isn't.
  • \(Q\) is true but \(P\) isn't.
  • Neither \(P\) nor \(Q\) are true
For each of these cases, we evaluate the argument.
\(P\) \(Q\) \(P\vee Q\) \(\lnot P\)
Notice that \(P\vee Q\) and \(\lnot P\) are both true only when \(P\) is false and \(Q\) is true as per the table above. Thus, \(Q\) is true is a valid conclusion from the two premises.

The technique above of using a truth table to verify an argument is very useful. To summarize, this is how to make and use a truth table.

  1. Given premises and a conclusion with \(n\) variables, make a table with \(2^n\) rows, each corresponding to the different permutations of true and false for the variables.
  2. Add columns for each of the premises and conclusion, and evaluate their truth value accordingly.
  3. Check to see whether there is a row where all of the premises are true and the conclusion is false.

If such a row exists, the argument is wrong. If it doesn't, the argument holds.

Write the truth table for the statement \(\lnot(P\wedge Q)\vee\lnot R\). When is this statement false?

\(P\) \(Q\) \(R\) \(\lnot(P\wedge Q)\) \(\lnot R\) \(\lnot(P\wedge Q)\vee\lnot R\)
This statement is false only when \(P\), \(Q\), \(R\) are all false.
Using truth tables, check whether the following deduction is valid:
Either John is stupid, or John isn't stupid but just is lazy.
John is stupid.
Therefore, John isn't lazy

Let \(S\) be the statement "John is stupid" and \(L\) the statement "John is lazy". So, the argument is \(S\vee(\lnot S\wedge L),\;S,\;\therefore\lnot L\).
\(S\) \(L\) \(\lnot S\vee L\) \(S\vee(\lnot S\vee L)\) \(\lnot L\)
Note that in row \(1\), \(S\) is true, and so is \(S\vee(\lnot S\vee L)\), but \(\lnot L\) is false, showing that this argument is invalid.

Logical Identities

While truth tables are an effective method of evaluating whether a logical argument is valid, it can get messy quite quickly. An statement with \(5\) variables will require \(32\) rows of a truth table.

Thus, we often employ logical identities to simplify otherwise complicated arguments into simpler ones. Here's a table of the identities you may want to remember.

Identity Statement Simplification
Commutativity\(P\vee Q\)\(Q\vee P\)
\(P\wedge Q\)\(Q\wedge P\)
Associativity\(P\vee (Q\vee R)\)\((P\vee Q)\vee R\)
\(P\wedge (Q\wedge R)\)\((P\wedge Q)\wedge R\)
Idempotent\(P\vee P\)\(P\)
\(P\wedge P\)\(P\)
Distributive\(P\vee (Q\wedge R)\)\((P\vee Q)\wedge(P\vee R)\)
\(P\wedge (Q\vee R)\)\((P\wedge Q)\vee (P\wedge R)\)
Absorption\(P\vee (P\wedge Q)\)\(P\)
\(P\wedge(P\vee Q)\)\(P\)
De Morgan\(\lnot(P\vee Q)\)\(\lnot P\wedge\lnot Q\)
\(\lnot(P\wedge Q)\)\(\lnot P\vee\lnot Q\)
Double Negation\(\lnot\lnot P\)\(P\)


Sometimes, we run into formulas, which are statements, but with certain variables. Given a choice of value for those variables, the statement becomes one whose truth value we can evaluate.

Here's a silly example: consider the formula "\(x\) is an even number". The truth value of this formula depends on the value of \(x\). If \(x=0\), it is false. If \(x=1\), it is true. If \(x\) is a person, it is false.

We often write formulas as \(P(x)\), where \(x\) is the variable in the formula. Formulas can have multiple variables, in which case we'd write \(P(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\).

How do we turn formulas into statements? We use quantifiers.

Consider the following statement: $$\forall x\in\mathbb Z,\;\frac x2\in\mathbb Z$$\(\mathbb Z\) represents the set of integers. So what does this statement mean? The symbol \(\forall\) means "for all". In other words, the statement is true only if for every integer \(x\), \(\frac x2\) is an integer. This statement is untrue, because \(1\) is an integer and \(\frac12\) is not an integer.

As you can see in the example above, the \(forall\) symbol allows us to pick a domain of values for a variable, and ask the question, "for every \(x\) in our domain, is the resulting statement true?".

Similarly, we have another quantifier.

Consider the following statement: $$\exists x\in\mathbb Z,\;\frac x2\in\mathbb Z$$What does this statement mean? The symbol \(\exists\) means "There exists". In other words, the statement is true only if there exists an integer \(x\) such that \(\frac x2\) is an integer. This statement is true, because \(2\) is an integer and \(\frac22=1\), an integer.

The example above introduces the other common quantifier, known as the Existential Quantifier. These two quantifiers are widespread throughout mathematics.

Prove that for any formula \(P(x)\), the following are equivalent statements:$$\lnot\forall x,P(x)\text{ and }\exists x\lnot P(x)$$$$\lnot\exists x,P(x)\text{ and }\forall x\lnot P(x)$$

Challenge: Model Theory

Knowledge of induction is a prerequisite for this section, so unless you are familiar with it, I'd suggest reading Week 12's notes prior to this section.


The ability to count is one of the first skills we look for young children to grasp, but it often is forgotten how difficult a task this is.

Zvonkin points to the following example. Let's step into the child's shoes and learn how to count, but in Japanese.

ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju

First, you have to memorize these names. It is not easy! Once you've done this, now you have to learn to count backwards. ju, kyu, hachi,... Once you have done this, try to do some basic arithmetic. What is ichi plus roku? Hachi divided by shi?

Over time, though, we begin to forget how difficult the task of counting is. It is natural, we think. Why is \(1+1=2\)? What else would it be? After all, if I put one apple and another apple together, of course I get two apples!

But we, as logicians, shouldn't be satisfied by this non-answer. After all, logic is the study of conclusions following from statements. From what statement does \(1+1=2\) follow?

But even an answer to this question wouldn't feel particularly satisfactory. I could say, \(1+1=2\) due to the rules of arithmetic, made precise by the logicians before me. But \(1+1=2\) doesn't feel that way.

Figuring out facts about the natural numbers doesn't feel like we are deducing conclusions from assumptions. It feels like we are discovering these numbers, and we have invented rules to describe them. The natural numbers, in some fashion, are baked into the universe. So what are they? Are numbers real? Inventions? Logical? Physical?

These questions may seem silly, and in some sense, they are. But there is a legitimate philosophical question buried here. Is the act of recognizing that \(1\) apple and \(1\) apple form \(2\) apples different than \(1+1=2\)? If so, what would explain the uncanny ability of the equation \(1+1=2\) to describe real life? And if they are the same, then what exactly is arithmetic?


In logic, we view the notion of \(1\) apple and \(1\) apple forming \(2\) apples to be a model, a representation of a rule. \(1+1=2\) is a rule which informs us about how objects behave, and the apples are a representation of it.

But this, too, isn't the full picture, since the natural numbers themselves are a model. But of what?

To answer this question, let's play a little game. Suppose I am a logician from another land, one where the ideas of the natural numbers aren't known. How exactly would you explain to me what they are?

You could try showing me the apples, but that'd be of little use. As with the children learning to count, what gives meaning to the abstraction of apples combining to arithmetic is the idea that addition generalizes, and applies to all objects, not just apples.

You may also try to get me to look at my fingers (if I have them), and teach me to count this way. But this would be a bit like teaching you the words ichi, ni, san, ... I would immediately understand that these words serve a function for you, but have little perspective as to what function.

The best approach would be to set up rules. We'd hope to develop rules so that any model of these rules must behave intuitively like the natural numbers do. So where do we start?

Perhaps we'd start with \(0\). You might inform the logician, there exists a special natural number, and we call it zero.

Next, we'd introduce the idea of a successor. For us normal folk, the successor of a natural number is just the number \(+1\), but since we haven't even gotten around to addition yet, we'll use this idea instead. To represent the successor of a number \(n\), we will write \(Sn\).

This is all of the notation we need to write our rules. The first rule, simple as it sounds, is just "0 is a natural number".

The second rule, as you may guess, is "every natural number has a successor". You may think these two rules are sufficient, but our alien friend presents us a model of our rules which puts that belief into question.

In our friend's model, \(1\) is the successor of \(0\), and \(0\) is the successor of \(1\). That, of course, isn't a model we want to allow, so we introduce a new rule: "No natural number has \(0\) as a successor". But this, too, isn't good enough. Our alien friend presents a revised model.

In this model, no number has \(0\) as a successor, but that doesn't prevent the looping behavior we'd like to avoid. So what rule can we introduce to avoid it?

The rule we are looking for is injectivity. In other words, if for any two natural numbers \(x,y\), if \(Sx=Sy\), then \(x=y\). This ensures that \(Sx\) maps to new numbers, avoiding the loop. Right? Well, kind of.

Our friend presents a revised model which fits with our new rule set. In this model, we do get the infinite chain behavior we expect from the naturals, but we also have a secondary chain, which is undesirable. So how do we fix this? We can modify our second rule to be: "0 is the only natural number which is not the successor of any natural".

But even this isn't sufficient. Our alien friend presents yet another model of the natural numbers that looks nothing like what we think of the natural numbers.

Clearly, in the model above, there is a \(0\) element, it is the only element without a successor, and successorship is injective.

At this point, you are frustrated. No matter what rules you try, you aren't able to prevent our alien friend from coming up with a model of the rules different from your intuition of the numbers. So what is going on?

Logical Order

Let's attempt to write up the rules we've come up with so far. Our logical language has two symbols: \(0\) and \(S\), with symbols like \(1,2,\ldots\) as notation for \(S0,SS0,\ldots\).

Our first rule is that there exists a \(0\) element. We write that as follows: $$\exists x\in\mathbb N,\;x=0$$

Our second rule is that \(0\) is the only element that isn't the successor of any element. This is a bit messy to write out, but it would look like this: $$\left(\forall x\in\mathbb N,\;Sx\neq0\right)\wedge\left(\forall x\neq0\in\mathbb N\;\exists y\in\mathbb N,\;x=Sy\right)$$

Our third rule is injectivity. We'd write it as follows:$$\forall x,y\in\mathbb N,\;Sx=Sy\to x=y$$As a brief side note, the symbol \(\to\) represents "implies". In other words, \(A\to B\) is true if it is not true that \(A\) is true and \(B\) is false.

So why have we written these rules in logical notation? Well, so we can distinguish the different orders of logic. Any logical statement that doesn't use quantifiers is considered to be part of propositional logic, otherwise known as \(0\)th order logic.

First order logic contains all of \(0\)th order logic, but also allows for quantifiers over the model. In our case, we are modelling the natural numbers, so we can quantify over them using \(\forall\) and \(\exists\).

As you can tell, all three of our rules have been written in first order logic. Are there any other forms of logic?

The answer is yes!

What if we wanted to quantify not over the natural numbers, but over first order formulas! We can do this, and we call this sort of logic second order logic. If you are confused, let's do an example.

In Week 12's notes, we "defined" induction. Let's write induction logically now. The idea is that for any property \(P(x)\), if \(P(0)\) is true, and if \(P(x)\) implies \(P(x+1)\) for any natural number \(x\), then \(P(x)\) is true for all natural \(x\).

To write this in logical notation, we need to know what exactly \(P\) is. In fact, \(P\) is just a single-variable first-order logical formula! So we can write as follows: $$\forall\text{ first order formulas }P(x)\left(P(0)\wedge\forall n\in\mathbb N,\;P(x)\to P(x+1)\right)\to\forall n\in\mathbb N,\;P(n)$$This second order statement is the principle of mathematical induction.

You can start to guess at what third order, fourth order, and even \(n\)th order logic looks like.


Let's return to our game with our newly discovered second order logic. How do we rule out our alien friend's model of the natural numbers? Intuitively, we want to say that all of the natural numbers should be "connected" to \(0\), or in other words, if I add one to \(0\) sufficiently many times, I should be able to reach any natural number.

But we already have found a way of saying this! The final rule that we need is induction! Why does induction do the job?

For any non-natural number, we can find some property \(P\) that satisfies the natural numbers, but doesn't satisfy the non-natural number, which we call non-standard numbers.

A property which does this for the \(3\) element loop \(A-B-C\) is the following:

That's awesome! So our final ruleset is as follows:

So to answer our initial question, these \(4\) rules are the rules whose model is the natural numbers we are used to.

Can you come with a property \(P\) that the natural numbers satisfy but the infinite chain in the last alien diagram doesn't?


Before we celebrate too much, there are still some considerations to be had. First, how do we know that there isn't some other weird model that our alien friend can think of that violates our rule set? Perhaps more troublingly, what if these rules are contradictory?

Some of our concerns can be resolved by the following theorem.

For any set of rules in first order logic, they are consistent if and only if there is a model for them.

This is great, since we have a model for our rules! This means that our rules are consistent! Well, almost. We'll only really described our models with nice pictures. To really establish the existence of a model, we'd have to build the natural numbers from scratch, which requires set theory (and we won't touch that for now).

An alternate approach is to drop the \(4\)th rule of the natural numbers. With this, we can apply the above theorem to generate ourselves a model! Will it be a model of the natural numbers as we know them? Not necessarily: there might be non-standard numbers in there. But, there are ways of dealing with these numbers.

Non-Standard Models

For now, we'll resort to the second approach, since set theory is a no-go (for now). So how do we know that there even exists non-standard models? We invoke the next theorem.

Given any infinite set of first order rules, if any finite subset of those rules has a model, the entire set of rules has a model.

We'll use it as follows. We'll take our \(3\) natural number rules, and add a new symbol \(\infty\). And, we add the following rules: $$\infty\gt0$$$$\infty\gt1$$$$\vdots$$

For any finite subset of these rules, we have finitely many of these \(\infty\gt k\) rules. Call them \(\infty\gt k_1\), \(\infty\gt k_2\), ..., \(\infty\gt k_n\). Let \(x = \max(k_1,\ldots,k_n)+1\). So, \(x\gt k_1\), \(x\gt k_2\), etc, and thus the natural numbers satisfies this rule set!

By the compactness theorem, there exists a number \(\infty\) that is bigger than any natural number in a valid model of the natural numbers. This tells us that there are non-standard models.

This is only the tip of the iceberg: much of logic is playing around with fun non-standard models to prove interesting things!
