\newcommand{\eqdef}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\rm def}{=}}}  \newcommand{\R} % real numbers  \newcommand{\N}} % natural numbers  \newcommand{\Z} % integers  \newcommand{\F} % a field  \newcommand{\Q} % the rationals  \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % the complexes  \newcommand{\poly}}  \newcommand{\polylog}}  \newcommand{\loglog}}}  \newcommand{\zo}{\{0,1\}}  \newcommand{\suchthat}  \newcommand{\pr}[1]{\Pr\left[#1\right]}  \newcommand{\deffont}{\em}  \newcommand{\getsr}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\mbox{\tiny R}}{\gets}}}  \newcommand{\Exp}{\mathop{\mathrm E}\displaylimits} % expectation  \newcommand{\Var}{\mathop{\mathrm Var}\displaylimits} % variance  \newcommand{\xor}{\oplus}  \newcommand{\GF}{\mathrm{GF}}  \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon}  \notag
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Abelian Categories


If you've survived the drawl that was the first \(5\) parts of this chapter, congratulations! There shouldn't be any more terminology dumps on this blog (I hope?), and we can finally do some math (Some may argue that the proof of Yoneda's lemma is "math", but in my opinion, the lemma is just a rephrasing of the definition of categories, rather than a novel observation).

In this post, we'll be defining abelian categories, which have a technical definition, but can be thought intuitively as categories that behave similarly to \(Mod_A\).

Additive Categories

An additive category is a category \(\mathfrak C\), such that for any \(A,B,C\in\rmC\):
  1. \(\Mor(A,B)\) has a binary operation \(+\) such that \(\Mor(A,B)\) is an abelian group. We call the identity element \(0_{AB}\).
  2. \(\circ:\Mor(B,C)\times\Mor(A,B)\to\Mor(A,C)\) is a bilinear mapping (linear on each input).
  3. There exists a zero-object \(0\in\mathfrak C\).
  4. There exists \(A\times B\in\mathfrak C\) (not necessarily unique, but unique up to isomorphism, as seen in a previous post).

For additive categories, we rename \(\Mor\) to \(\Hom\), representing sets of homomorphisms. An additive functor is a functor \(F\) such that for all \(A,B\), \(F(A\times B)=F(A)\times F(B)\).

Properties of additive categories/functors:

In an additive category \(\mathfrak A\) with objects \(A,B\in\mathfrak A\), the coproduct \(A\sqcup B\) exists, as \(A\times B\) satisfies its diagram.

Let \(p:A\times B\to A\) and \(q:A\times B\to B\) be the projection maps that define \(A\times B\) as the product. Let \(i:A\to A\times B\) be defined by the product diagram below:

And likewise, let \(j:B\to A\times B\) be defined by the product diagram below:

Then, we can draw the following commutative diagram:

This diagram is essentially the two previous diagrams glued together. Now, consider some \(W\in\mathfrak A\) with morphisms \(\alpha:A\to W\), \(\beta: B\to W\) and let $$\phi=\beta\circ q+\alpha\circ p:A\times B\to W$$Note that $$\phi\circ i=\beta\circ q\circ i+\alpha\circ p\circ i=\beta\circ0+\alpha\circ\id=\alpha$$And \(\phi\circ j=\beta\).

Next, observe that the following diagram commuting implies that \(i\circ p+j\circ q=\id_{A\times B}\).

Thus, for any map \(f:A\times B\to W\), $$f=f\circ\id_{A\times B}=f\circ i\circ p+f\circ j\circ q$$If \(f\) satisfies the coproduct diagram (i.e., \(f\circ i=\alpha\), \(f\circ j=\beta\)), then $$f=\alpha\circ p+\beta\circ q=\phi$$This tells us that \(\phi\) satisfies the diagram and is the unique map to do so, and thus \(A\sqcup B\) exists since \(A\times B\) satisfies the diagram.

As hinted upon earlier in our remarks, we can actually define the direct sum as the product endowed with the morphisms \(i,j\) as defined above. It's not hard to see that \(i,j\), and the product fully determine \(p,q\), so some definitions endow the direct sum with all \(4\) maps.


The categorical notion of a kernel generalizes the algebraic notion of kernels, by defining them as the largest object that gets mapped to \(0\) by a morphism.

Let \(\mathfrak C\) be a category with a zero-object called \(0\). For some morphism \(f:B\to C\), the kernel is an object \(A\) paired with an inclusion \(i:A\hookrightarrow B\) such that \(f\circ i=0\), and for any other object \(A^*\) with map \(i^*\) with the aforementioned properties, there exists a unique map \(k:A^*\to A\) such that \(i^*=i\circ k\) (you should recognize this as the standard universal property trick to ensure uniqueness of the kernel). In diagram form, we have

and similarly, we can define the cokernel as the colimit of the reversed diagram. I chose not to define quotient spaces earlier on (which probably lead to some rather tedious work-arounds) since quotient objects can be defined strictly as cokernels of additive categories.

Kernel maps are often indicated by \(\hookrightarrow\) or \(\rightarrowtail\). Cokernel maps are often indicated by \(\twoheadrightarrow\).

But, we'll often refer to them as objects. In particular, kernels are maps \(k:A\to B\), so if we refer to the kernel as an object, we mean \(A\). If we refer to the kernel as a map, we mean \(k\). Likewise, for cokernel \(j:A\to B\), if we refer to an object, we mean \(B\). If we refer to a map, we mean \(j\).

Abelian Categories

As our tangent on kernels and cokernels showed us, kernels (cokernels) are monomorphisms (epimorphisms) if they exist. But we might ask the reverse question: are all monomorphisms (epimorphisms) kernels (cokernels) of some map? In the study of abelian groups, this is the case, and is known as the first isomorphism theorem of group theory. Abelian categories are defined to generalize this concept.

An abelian category is an additive category \(\rmA\) such that
  1. Every morphism has a kernel and cokernel
  2. Every monomorphism is the kernel of some morphism (i.e., monomorphisms are normal).
  3. Every epimorphism is the cokernel of some morphism (i.e., epimorphisms are normal).

Some terminology/facts used in abelian categories for a morphism \(f:A\to B\):

Some important results to show the power of these conditions:

For any small abelian category \(\rmC\), there exists an exact, fully faithful functor \(F:\rmC\to Mod_A\) for some ring \(A\) such that it embeds \(\rmC\) as a full subcategory.

We won't prove this result since it requires machinery beyond the scope of these notes. Other than the term exactness, which will be talked about here, you should be able to understand the statement. I also don't mind not proving this result since all of my proofs work without it, but if you are dead-set on understanding the proof of the result, check out this proof. To summarize, it is most often used to translate results from \(Mod_A\) to small categories (and then via some hacking, to locally small categories).
For any epimorphism \(g:B\to C\), \(g=\coim(g)\).

Let \(f\) be a map such that \(g=\cok(f)\). Let \(k=\ker(g)\). By kernel properties, there exists a map \(f^*\) satisfying the diagram above. Let \(y\) be a morphism such that \(y\circ k=0_{IY}\) as in the diagram. Thus, $$y\circ f=y\circ k\circ f^*=0_{AY}$$so by the cokernel properties of \(g\), there exists a unique \(y^*\) such that \(y^*\circ g=y\). Thus, \(g\) is also the cokernel of \(k\), and thus the coimage of itself. The dual argument shows that for any monomorphism \(f:A\to B\), \(f=\im(f)\).
If \(f:A\to B\) is a monomorphism and epimorphism, it is an isomorphism.

From Lemma 1, \(\cok(\ker(f))=f\). And, from a result above, \(\ker f=0\). The cokernel of the \(0\) map is clearly an isomorphism by universal properties of the cokernel.
For any \(f:A\to B\), the induced map \(i:\coim f\to B\) is monic.

Let \(k=\ker f\), \(p=\cok(k)=\coim f\). Thus, since \(p\) is the cokernel of \(k\), and \(f\circ k=0\), there exists a unique \(i:\coim f\to B\) such that \(i\circ p=f\). We've seen earlier that if for any \(x: X\to\coim f\), \(i\circ x=0\) implies \(x=0\), then \(i\) is monic. Let \(x\) be such a map. Let \(q:\coim f\to\cok x\) be the cokernel of \(x\). By the same argument as above, there exists a unique \(j: \cok x\to B\) such that \(i=j\circ q\). We can summarize these results in the diagram below:

Since epimorphisms are preserved under composition, \(q\circ p\) is epimorphic, and thus, there exists a morphism \(h:C\to A\) such that \(q\circ p=\cok h\). So, $$f\circ h=j\circ q\circ p\circ h=0$$By the kernel properties of \(k\), there exists a unique \(h^*\) such that \(h=k\circ h^*\). Thus, $$p\circ h=p\circ k\circ h^*=0\circ h^*=0$$By the cokernel properties of \(q\circ p\), there exists a unique \(p^*\) such that \(p=p^*\circ q\circ p\). Since \(p\) is epimorphic, we have \(p^*\circ q=\id\). Thus, \(q\) is monic, and since we have \(q\circ x=0\), that implies \(x=0\), so \(i\) must be monic.

Dually, the induced map \(j:A\to\im f\) is epic.
For any \(f:A\to B\), there exists a unique morphism \(f^*:\coim f\to\im f\) that satisfies the diagram below. It is also an isomorphism.

Let \(j:A\to\im f\) be defined as in Lemma 3. Thus, $$f\circ\ker f=\im f\circ j\circ \ker f=0$$Since we showed in Lemma 1 that \(\im f\) is monomorphic, \(j\circ\ker f=0\). Thus, since \(\coim f\) is the cokernel of \(\ker f\), there exists a unique \(f^*\) such that \(f^*\circ\coim f=j\).

But, \(A\to\im f\) being epic and \(\coim f\to B\) being monic implies \(f^*\) is epic and monic, which by Lemma 2 implies that \(f^*\) is an isomorphism. Thus, the image object, with the new coimage map being \(f^*\circ c\) (where \(c\) was the coimage map \(A\to\coim f\)), satisfies the properties of the coimage and thus can be considered to be the coimage. Thus, we often refer to the image as both the image and coimage, and impart both of their properties onto \(\im f\).
To understand intuitively what happened in the proof, we've essentially proved a more general form of the first isomorphism theorem. Note that in the category of modules, \(\coim f=B/\ker f\), and thus we showed that \(B/\ker f\cong\im f\).
Given any finite category \(J\) (finitely many objects and morphisms), with functor \(F:J\to\mathfrak C\) and \(\rmC\) abelian, the (co)limit of \(F\) exists in \(\rmC\).

Since finite products exist by definition, consider the following objects in \(\rmC\): $$D=\prod\limits_{j\in\obj J}F(j),\; R=\prod\limits_{\alpha:i\to j\in\Mor J}F(j)$$\(D\) is the product of all objects mapped to by the functor, \(R\) is the product of all codomain objects of morphisms mapped to by the functor.

Let \(d_j:D\to F(j)\) and \(r_\alpha:R\to F(j)\) refer to projection maps (where \(\alpha:i\to j\in\Mor J\)).

For all \(\alpha:i\to j\in\Mor J\), let \(g_\alpha:D\to F(j)\) be the morphism \(F(\alpha)\circ d_i-d_j\). By the definition of product, there exists a unique morphism \(g:D\to R\) such that for all \(\alpha\), \(g_\alpha=r_\alpha\circ g\). Let \(k:K\to D\) be the kernel of \(g\).

I claim that \(K\), with projection maps \(K_j=d_j\circ k\), satisfies the universal property of the limit. For each \(\alpha:i\to j\in\Mor J\), $$F(\alpha)\circ K_i=F(\alpha)\circ d_i\circ k=g_\alpha\circ k+d_j\circ k=d_j\circ k=K_j$$

And, if there exists an object \(E\), with projection maps \(E_j\) that satisfies \(F(\alpha)\circ E_i=E_j\) for all \(\alpha:i\to j\in\Mor J\), then by product properties, there exists a unique map \(e:E\to D\) such that for all \(j\), \(d_j\circ e=E_j\). And, for all \(\alpha:i\to j\in\Mor J\),$$g_\alpha\circ e=F(\alpha)\circ d_i\circ e-d_j\circ e=F(\alpha)\circ E_i-E_j=E_j-E_j=0$$By product properties, this implies that \(g\circ e=0\). By kernel properties of \(k\), there exists a unique map \(h:E\to K\) such that \(e=k\circ h\). This completes the proof of \(K\) being the limit of \(F\). The dual proof shows all finite colimits exist.


All but the first example are non-abelian, as we'll encounter important examples of abelian categories later.
