\newcommand{\eqdef}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\rm def}{=}}}  \newcommand{\R} % real numbers  \newcommand{\N}} % natural numbers  \newcommand{\Z} % integers  \newcommand{\F} % a field  \newcommand{\Q} % the rationals  \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % the complexes  \newcommand{\poly}}  \newcommand{\polylog}}  \newcommand{\loglog}}}  \newcommand{\zo}{\{0,1\}}  \newcommand{\suchthat}  \newcommand{\pr}[1]{\Pr\left[#1\right]}  \newcommand{\deffont}{\em}  \newcommand{\getsr}{\mathbin{\stackrel{\mbox{\tiny R}}{\gets}}}  \newcommand{\Exp}{\mathop{\mathrm E}\displaylimits} % expectation  \newcommand{\Var}{\mathop{\mathrm Var}\displaylimits} % variance  \newcommand{\xor}{\oplus}  \newcommand{\GF}{\mathrm{GF}}  \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon}  \notag
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Universal Properties


As mentioned in Why bother with Categories?, universal properties are part of the key appeal of category theory, since they are easy to express, and when done well (as we saw with the product definition), they give us uniqueness for free, leaving us to find an example of an object satisfying the property.

In this post, we'll go over some valuable universal properties. All of them are unique, but the proofs of these won't be provided since they are essentially identical to that of the product's uniqueness.

For a lot of universal properties, the intuition behind the definitions is unclear from the setup, but examples can often help show the purpose of the properties. I've provided a few examples for each property.

Initial/Final/Zero Objects

An object \(C\in\mathfrak C\) is initial if for all \(A\in\mathfrak C\), \(|\Mor(C,A)|=1\). Likewise, an object \(C\in\mathfrak C\) is final if for all \(A\in\mathfrak C\), \(|\Mor(A,C)|=1\). An object \(C\in\mathfrak C\) is called the zero object if it is both initial and final.

Tensor Product

Given two elements \(M,N\in Mod_A\), we define \(M\otimes_A N\), the tensor product of \(M,N\), as the \(A\)-module, paired with an \(A\)-bilinear map \(\phi:M\times N\to M\otimes N\), that satisfies the diagram below for any \(A\)-bilinear map \(f:M\times N\to Z\), where \(Z\in Mod_A\).


Given a small category \(\mathfrak F\), category \(\mathfrak C\), and functor \(F:\mathfrak F\to\mathfrak C\), the limit of \(\mathfrak C\) with respect to \(F\), written as \(\varprojlim\limits_F\; \mathfrak C\), is an object of \(\mathfrak C\), paired with morphisms \(m_A:\varprojlim\limits_F\; \mathfrak C\to F(A)\) for each \(A\in\mathfrak F\), such that for each morphism \(h:X\to Y\) in \(\mathfrak F\), the following diagram holds:

And such that for any other object \(W\in\mathfrak C\) with the above properties (with morphisms \(m'_A\)), there exists a map \(\phi:W\to\varprojlim\limits_F\:\mathfrak C\) such that for all \(A\in\mathfrak F\), \(m'_A=m_A\circ\phi\). In other words, \(W\)'s properties factor through the limit. (If it isn't obvious yet, this part is for uniqueness).


Colimits, denoted by \(\varinjlim\limits_F\;\mathfrak C\), are the dual notion to limits (i.e., they satisfy the diagram with arrows reversed). More precisely, \(m_A:F(A)\to\varinjlim\limits_F\;\rmC\) is defined for each \(A\in\mathfrak F\), the diagram below holds for all \(h:X\to Y\in\mathfrak F\), and for any \(W\in\mathfrak C\) that satisfies the above properties (with \(m^*_A:F(A)\to W\) as the maps, there exists a map \(\psi:\varinjlim\limits_F\;\mathfrak C\to W\) such that \(m^*_A=\psi\circ m_A\) for each \(A\in\mathfrak F\).


Let \(F:\mathfrak A\to\mathfrak B\) and \(G:\mathfrak B\to\mathfrak A\) be functors. We say \(F\) and \(G\) are adjoint iff for each \(A\in\mathfrak A\), \(B\in\mathfrak B\), there exists a morphism \(\tau_{A,B}:\Mor_\mathfrak B(F(A),B)\to\Mor_\mathfrak A(A,G(B))\) such that for any \(f:A\to A^*\in\mathfrak A\), the following diagram holds:

And likewise, for any \(g:B\to B^*\in\mathfrak B\), the following diagram holds:

We call \(F\) the left-adjoint and \(G\) the right-adjoint, and \(F,G\) an adjoint pair.

To see the power of this property, let's replace every \(B^*\) in the diagram above with \(B\), and every \(B\) with \(F(A)\).

Thus, for any function \(g:F(A)\to B\), the above diagram holds. In particular, since \(\id\in\Mor_\mathfrak B(F(A),F(A))\), we have \(\tau_{A,B}(g)=G(g)\circ\eta_A\), where \(\eta_A\) is a function chosen independently of \(B\). In other words, \(\tau_{A,B}\) factors into a component solely dependent on \(A\), and a component solely dependent on \(g\). Likewise for any \(f:A\to G(B)\), we can decompose \(\tau_{A,B}^{-1}(f)\) into a component solely dependent on \(B\), and a component solely dependent on \(f\). We call \(\tau_{A,B}\) natural for this reason.


A map \(f:X\to Y\) is a monomorphism if for any \(\phi:Z\to Y\), there is at most one map \(\psi\) satisfying the diagram below.

In other words, if \(f\circ m_1=f\circ m_2\), for \(m_1,m_2:Z\to X\), then \(m_1=m_2\). A map \(f:X\to Y\) is an epimorphism if for any \(\phi:X\to Z\), there is at most one map \(\psi\) satisfying the diagram below.

This is the dual notion to the monomorphism, and can be summarized as \(m_1\circ f=m_2\circ f\) implies \(m_1=m_2\).
